Designing in Shanghai
Current: TikTok Design - User Growth
Role: Product Design Expert
Selected Work ↓
2022. Auner
A distinctive and impactful visual language for Auner's brand identity, reflecting the company's leadership and ambition within the global solar industry.
Branding. UI/UX.
Design: Guangxi Cai, Qiaoqiao Tang, Yiqiao Liu.
OEW Energy Expert Viz
2023. Alibaba Cloud
A WebGL data visualization platform for Olympic Esports Week, in partnership with Alibaba Energy Cloud. Immerse in Suntec Center's carbon footprint data through immersive 3D interaction. Raise awareness for sustainable practices and green energy while exploring.
Data Visualization. 3D. Digital Experience.
Creative + Technical Direction: Du Haihang. Design + Art Direction: Guangxi Cai. Development: Yuxia Yao. Project Management: Xiao Lei.
2022. Alibaba Cloud
Data visualization site for GRACED (Global gRidded dAily CO2 Emissions Dataset). First near-real-time, day-scale global carbon data, aimed at building academic impact in the field of carbon science and raising public awareness of climate change.
Data Visualization. Digital Experience.
Creative + Technical Direction: Du Haihang. Design + Art Direction: Guangxi Cai. WebGL Development: Du Haihang. Development: Cang Mo, Lin Shenglong, Zhao Xiang, Jiang Junjian. Project Management: Huang Xia.
2023. Alibaba Cloud
An immersive platform designed to showcase Alibaba Cloud's enterprise cloud services. Through a WebGL-based 3D island, E2-Land provides a visual representation of all the products and their lifecycle.
Digital Experience. 3D & Motion.
Creative + Technical Direction: Du Haihang. Design + 3D: Guangxi Cai. Information Architecture Design: Tan Xiao. Project Management: Grace Mei.
2023. Alibaba Cloud
7 business lines, 11+ digital products, 1 flexible brand system. We have developed a brand new set of guidelines for Alibaba Cloud E2, the enterprise cloud service that provides standardized product services for enterprise operations.
Creative Direction: Qiaoqiao Tang. Design: Qiaoqiao Tang, Guangxi Cai. Logo Graphics: Shulun Ye. Motion Design: Guangxi Cai. 3D Design: Genle Zhu.
B-Design System - Branding Motion
2023. Alibaba Cloud
A stylized 2D motion graphics that demonstrate the consistency, inclusive, simplicity, and deeper thinking behind the elements of B-Design 3.0.
Design System. Motion Graphics.
Creative Direction: Du Haihang. Art Direction + Motion Design: Guangxi Cai.
B-Design System - Branding 3D
2023. Alibaba Cloud
Explore and design the key visuals for B-Design 3.0. Incorporate the breathing color through the expression of materials and lights and be a part of the ongoing evolution of B-Design's visual language.
Digital Experience. 3D & Motion.
Creative Direction: Du Haihang. Design & 3D: Guangxi Cai, Du Haihang.
2022. Alibaba Cloud
NEOM is a vision of what a new future might look like. NEOS HUB is an urban services superapp designed for NEOM, the smart city of Saudi Arabia. It brings a rich urban digital experience to citizens.
Digital Product. UI/UX.
Creative Direction: Du Haihang. Design + UI/UX: Guangxi Cai. Prototyping: Du Haihang.
Energy Expert
2022. Alibaba Cloud
Elevate the visual identity and digital product design for Energy Expert, a SaaS product for sustainability and energy management system shipped by Alibaba Cloud.
Digital Product. Branding. UI/UX.
Design + Art Direction: Guangxi Cai. UX Design: Tan Xiao.
PHOTON Experience
2021. Alibaba Cloud
An interactive experience for Alibaba Cloud Neuro-Symbolic Lab. Invite users to interact with PHOTON A.I. and generate 3D digital fibers representing PHOTON consciousness online.
Digital Experience.
Creative + Technical Direction: Du Haihang. Design + Art Direction: Guangxi Cai. Creative Development: Raybo Liu. Logo Graphics: Zhu Yan. Back-end + A.I.: NS - Lab.